Friday, July 27, 2012

Bullying - going after the bullies - question about guilt

I'm looking for input from people as if they were jurors at the trial of this case.

I am preparing a lawsuit against a school that allowed systematic bullying of a junior high school boy over a three year period. I mentioned this with more detail in an earlier blog. The bulllying included physical assault as well as verbal abuse and sexual harrassment. I would like to include not only the school but the bullies themselves and their parents.

Here's my question: If you were on a jury and heard convincing evidence that these events occurred, that the parents of the victim were in open communication with the school and the sheriff, would you be willing to hold the bullies and, thereby, their parents, and the sheriff's department, responsible for failing to keep this young man safe and for allowing this course of action to continue for three years if you believed the parents and the sheriff's department knew about it?

 Thanks for taking the time. Please write your comments on the blog and/or feel free to email me, Bob Vogel, at

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