A little over a year ago, I returned to my practice after realizing a career dream. I was privileged to attend the Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College in Dubois, WY for their three week trial skills course. For two decades, I had been a fan of Gerry's and aspired to be an attorney like him. I had my ups and downs, but did pretty well in court and on appeals overall.
Since coming back from the college, I have changed and so has my practice. All for the better. I take fewer cases now. I do that because I have learned how to work deeper into each case. There is a powerful story in there. The case is about the person and their story. I need to dig in and find it. This takes time. I learned that at TLC.
I learned how to be me. That was the greatest gift. I learned first how to tell my story. And since last year, I've dug in and learned about me. I'm still learning my story, and I'm still writing it.
Today, I celebrated one of the milestones of my story. I married my wife Karen 28 years ago today. And she has stuck with me through this journey. She has loved me when I was unlovable. She has kept me sane when I flirted on the edge of insanity. She has kept my faith when I faltered.
I am the person I am, at least, the good parts, because of the pages in my life that Karen has written. I have learned mercy, compassion and grace from living with her. I am learning to find peace and joy in each day because of her.
I look forward to the pages of our story yet to be written.
Happy Anniversary, Karen - I love you. Bob
I have been privileged to walk this walk with you. We have learned so much together, and I look forward to learning more with you each day! I love you! Karen