Sunday, July 24, 2011

In Response to Ron Paul's article that says we should let the U.S. default...

Dear Mr.

I read your article and find it
quite disturbing.  You are part of the group of politicians who can’t seem to
get it together enough to solve the problem, yet you have the audacity to try to
step outside of it and passively say, in essence, that “they” are unreliable and
can’t fix it.  How about you?  How about your influence?  Where is your
leadership?  You are an American and you are a politician, why don’t you take
responsibility?  You want to be president, how can you act in a way that is
contrary to the Country’s best interest.

To the point: arguing that the three
examples you gave give permission to default again is ingenuous and logically
invalid.  If, in fact, those were defaults, and it is debatable, they are not to
the scale that we would face today.  Also, simply because one has done something
incorrect in the past does not justify a repeat of the same behavior.  Were that
true, repeat offenders would not be punished more harshly by our criminal
justice system.  So, it is logically absurd to argue that past wrongs justify a
present wrong.  Finally, the premise that a default sooner than later is better
for the country is not sustainable.  If it can be postponed, and if the problem
can be solved, than why allow it to happen.

Your article conveys to me that you
have given up on America.  It appears to me that you
have thrown in the towel and say that it is inevitable that we go under.  What
about everyone who works so hard everyday just to make ends meet.  How are you
going to sustain them when the currency devalues 40 or 50%?  How are you going
to address the calamity it will cause in the already devastated housing market? 

What I want to know is why you no
longer care about Americans or America?  Why don’t you take your
patriotic duty to heart, get over your petty differences with the other
politicians and solve this problem?

I will tell you now, if you are the
quitter this article says you are, you will never get my vote next year – and,
as a center of influence, I will make sure no one I knows votes for you. 

As far as I can tell, the only good
that could come out of a default in August, or anytime, is that I believe it
will result in a rout of all or most of the current career politicians. 
Certainly, if the ones that are currently in Washington can’t solve this problem, they
should hang their heads in shame and walk away.  But, it is my belief that the
country will vote them all out in favor of new faces next election. 

Let me end this way: Our dollar, and
our debt, are backed by a phrase I take very seriously – “the full faith and
credit” of the United States
of America.  The debt is backed by a moral
obligation.  It is clear to me that you don’t take that moral obligation
seriously, and that is fundamentally disturbing to me.  The people who own U.S.
Government debt relied on that promise – that they would get paid based on the
full faith and credit of the United States of America.  It is
frightening to me that a man of your political stature fails to take that phrase
seriously.  As an American, I tell you that it breaks my

Don’t give up the ship.  Get in
there and work and do some good.  Don’t throw up your hands, shake your head and
walk away. 



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