Thursday, June 28, 2012

Christian-Newsome trials - the DA and his staff should have asked Baumgartner to recuse himself - not Blackwood

They don't like Blackwood because he won't give them the answer they want - that there should no new trials. Problem is - they were in control of this ship. They knew about Baumgartner's addictions and let it go. They were obligated, by the Rules of Professional Conduct, to turn Baumgartner in to the Board or report him for his misconduct. They shirked their responsibilities because things were going their way in his court. It was not just the DA, it was also the ADAs who worked in his court on a regular basis. Now, rather than accept responsibility for their actions, they are trying to get Blackwood off the bench because he won't play ball with them. The article below is a great summary of arguments made by defense attorneys against the  DA. They are 100% right!

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